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Students will discover how liquids with the colors along the spectrum respond when heated by the sun.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will b ...

Imagine you’re installing a new array of solar panels for an energy-conscious company in California. You want the largest amount of sunlight possible to reach the panels. The panels are fixed, so you ...

What causes the seasons to change? The first answer many people give when asked why the Earth gets cold in the winter and warm in the summer is because the Earth’s distance from the sun can vary durin ...

The research aspect of this science fair project is to determine how much of the energy from the Sun that reaches a photovoltaic cell is converted into electric power.It is an educational content by e ...

The sun is a wonderful (and free) source of energy just waiting to be harnessed. You can build a simple solar hot dog cooker for use on a sunny day.This hot dog cooker uses a reflective parabola. A pa ...

Investigate if heat from direct sunlight is hotter than heat from reflected sunlight.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

Students will examine how passive solar heating works by measuring the temperature within a parked car on a sunny day.From this experiment students can think of ways to use passive solar heating as an ...